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Collaborations With Retailers

Under our “Collaboration with Retailers”, the AssetID platform seeks to collaborate with retailers of electronic products and enable them to now provide a completely new protective cover for their customers. This initiative will allow retailers to issue a digital Certificate of Authenticity (bearing the name and logo of the retailer) that will be stored on the blockchain to their customers for any high value appliance purchased. This digital Certificate of Authenticity with a QR Code will bear the name of the customer, his/her Ghana Card number, his/her phone number and/or email, the brand and model of the appliance purchased, Serial Number of the appliance or the IMEI number in the case of mobile phones, among others.

The introduction of the digital Certificate of Authenticity on the blockchain is traceability. With the blockchain Certificate of Ownership, every time a registered appliance is sold or transferred by the customer, he/she can contact the retailer who originally sold the item to him/her to record this second-hand transaction and store it on the blockchain. This will allow individuals who intend to buy any registered appliance to track the history of the appliance including the previous owners and their contact details, and the value of such appliances, among others. This has the tendency to help individuals to avoid buying stolen or missing appliances and to check against fraud and corruption.

The digital Certificate of Authenticity stored on the blockchain, which cannot be manipulated or forged, can help to provide irrefutable proof of ownership in the event of identification of recovered stolen or missing appliances by law enforcement, for insurance, collateral, among others.

Individual consumers can verify the status of any registered item they intend to buy in the open market to find out if it has been reported lost or stolen by sending the Serial Number of the Appliance or the IMEI No of the mobile phone to Short Code xxxxx. Upon dialing this Short Code, they will receive the following response: “This item has been reported either stolen or missing. Please contact the registered owner on xxxxxxxxxx via SMS, Call or Whatsapp for more information”

This will enhance the brand image of the retailers and help to provide consumer protection and safety and to ultimately reduce the rising spate of appliance theft in the country