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AssetID is an online registration service that allows individuals and businesses to record ownership details of their valued possessions or company assets. The information entered into AssetID is stored on a secure database and is made accessible to law enforcement agencies. This helps the police to identify the rightful owners of lost or stolen property, increasing the chances of items being recovered and returned to their lawful owners.

AssetID provides a user-friendly platform where you can create detailed profiles for your assets, including descriptions, serial numbers, IMEI numbers, photographs, and purchase dates. Once registered, this information is stored securely in our database. In case of loss or theft, law enforcement agencies can access this information to trace and return the items to their rightful owners.

We take data security seriously. Your ownership information is stored on a highly secure database with advanced encryption measures. Only authorized law enforcement personnel will have access to this information, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of your data.

By registering your assets with AssetID, you provide law enforcement agencies with essential information needed to identify the rightful owners of lost or stolen items. This collaboration increases the chances of recovering your belongings and facilitates their prompt return to you

Yes, AssetID caters to both individuals and businesses. Companies can benefit from our comprehensive asset registration and management services to protect their valuable business assets.

For the police, the Asset ID property registration and marking service is a very powerful tool in the fight against crime. The Asset ID platform along with many other information sources, will be linked directly to the police system. The system will allow authorized police officers to search the IMEI/Serial numbers and other unique identifiers of recovered goods or suspected stolen property from the database and then take action accordingly.

Fraudulent insurance claims over insured mobile devices and other assets is big business and lucrative for criminals. At the point of claim, insurance companies need to ensure that the status of a device or an asset is consistent with the claimant’s story. For instance, if a claimant says their cellphone has been stolen, insurance needs to report the missing phone’s IMEI in the AssetID database to prevent it from being resold to the unsuspecting public or insured it with another insurance company after the settlement of claims by his/her insurance company. At the point of claim, insurance needs to ask the following questions:

Is the serial number provided actually for the type of device/asset being claimed? Has the device already been sold (possibly by the claimant)? Has another insurer got an interest? These are all crucial questions to ask at the point of claim and it is essential for insurance to be better informed than the criminal if you are to detect fraud.

The AssetID platform helps to fight insurance fraud with real-time device intelligence at point of claim and simple intelligence sharing with service providers, police, traders and other insurers. The platform assists insurance companies to ensure that after settling claims from the devices they now own, such assets are not being sold or insured by another insurance company without their permission.

AssetID thus insurance companies to stop insurance fraud at the point of claim, prevent devices/assets with settled claims from being traded or insured with other insurance companies, and facilitates recovery of devices/assets in the event of loss/theft. Remember, as an insurance company, when you settle a claim, that property becomes yours. You may not want to recover it but you certainly want to know if the claimant is the person selling it and our database opens that information flow to you.

AssetID provides unrivalled access to the second-hand dealers and traders to a comprehensive database of loss and theft reports, insurance claims and other records affecting legal title of devices to help them to (a) avoid paying for a device/asset that a potential seller may not have legal title to (b) avoid becoming a target for thieves and criminals for the sale of stolen devices/assets in order not to be arrested and prosecuted (c) unique pro-active alerts if the device/asset status changes after check (d) unique certificates that provide verifiable, counterfeit-proof evidence of check results.

The Asset ID database is expected to hold several thousands, if not millions, of records of property, providing relevant and comprehensive information to consumers of used goods especially in the second-hand market. AssetID is a de facto due-diligence platform to be used by consumers who wish to check that goods they intend to buy are not stolen, counterfeit or blocked. From a seller’s perspective, Asset ID can help in the sale of an item as each check comes with an official report to be provided to any potential buyer as proof that the item being offered for sale is legitimate.

Creating an account on the Asset ID portal is free of charge. However, Asset ID charges an amount of GHS10.00 per year for any single asset registered in the database. Plus interested consumers can also purchase any of our security marking products that are available at the AssetID website (and several retail outlets soon).

Yes, your information is safe on AssetID. The platform takes security and privacy seriously and employs industry-standard security measures to protect your data. The database is secured with multiple layers of protection to prevent unauthorised access or data breaches. All data generated are stored on servers that are recognized by the Data Protection Commission of Ghana and international data certification bodies across the world. For the avoidance of doubt, we wish to emphasize that we will NOT sell or rent your personal data to third parties for marketing purposes. Please read our privacy policy for more detail. Any queries regarding the service or data should be reported to us.