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Get the intel you need before buying or selling in the second-hand marketplace

welcome to vericheck

Verification of Ownership with VERICHECK

Welcome to our VERICHECK portal, a powerful tool designed to ensure the legitimacy of second-hand appliances, tools, plants, machinery, and other registered equipment/property. Prior to purchasing any item listed in our database, we encourage prospective buyers to perform a quick and efficient verification process. This step not only safeguards your interests but also helps curb theft, protect buyers, and contribute to a more secure community.

How To Verify Asset Online

Just a couple of steps and you’re done! Upon the completion of registration, individuals registering their properties will be issued with a verifiable digital Certificate of Ownership with a QR Code that will bear their names, their Ghana Card Nos, brand name and model, and the Serial No. of the mobile phone.

Corporate institutions will be issued with a verifiable digital Certificate of Ownership with a QR Code that will bear their company name, the brand names and model, and serial numbers of all the appliances/assets registered.

Step 1: Sign Up/ Login

a. Create a free account/login

Step 2: KYC Verification

a. Fill in a KYC Form

b. Upload Your Ghana Card for verification

Step 3: Verify Your Asset

a. Type in the IMEI/Serial No.  of the mobile phone/appliance

b. Ownership Details will be Displayed


How to Vericheck the Status of any Registered Asset through USSD

To verify the status of any registered mobile phone to find out whether or not it has been reported lost or stolen, subscribers should follow these steps:

1. Dial Short Code *920*178#
2. Select Option 2 – Verify Assets
3. Type in the IMEI No of the Mobile Phone
4. Click SEND to submit
5. The name and mobile number of the registered owner of the mobile phone will be sent to the subscriber

Benefits of VERICHECK


Prevent Fraud

By verifying the identity of equipment/property owners, we prevent dishonest sellers from offering stolen or illegitimate items for sale.

Reduce Theft

The quick verification acts as a deterrent to potential thieves, reducing theft and promoting a more secure environment.

Avoid Legal Issues

Buyers can avoid unwittingly purchasing stolen goods, which could result in legal complications.

Report Any Suspected Stolen or Missing Asset and Get Paid For Your Effort

Every time you encounter consumer electronics you are at the risk of theft or fraud. The platform encourages individuals and second-hand dealers to conduct a search on any suspected stolen assets/properties. If the verification reveals ownership details that is different from the particulars of the person purporting to be the owner of that particular asset, you should immediately report to our hotline number. Any individual whose action leads to the recovery of assets/properties will be paid a certain percentage of the charges the owner of the recovered assets/properties will be required to pay. This is to incentivize the general public to report any suspected assets/properties in order to reduce robbery and theft in our country.

Don't compromise on the authenticity of your purchases.

Start Verifying Today